The Amateur Chess Club


You are missing out on some cool pics.

My Objectives

I wish to unite all free chess clubs so that they can share information, compete with one another, and share a common member base. I also wish for this to be a free and open site for databases, player interfaces, and information for all levels of players.

My Plans for the ACC

I plan on possibly adding databases for both members' games and professional games. I also plan oncreating a Java interface so that members can play OTB through my site allowing them to earn a rating using FIDE formulas and measure their strengths against other players from around the world.

How to contact me. . .

Justin Churchey (Please use ACC in the Subject Line)

How to help out. . .

If you would like to and believe that you can help me out please let me know because I am a full-time student with limited time on my hands to take on such a mission. I am also just learning HTML to begin this page, and my technological background on java programming and database management is limited at this time. These areas are areas I may need help and guidance in as I learn. If you like chess, and you like the idea of what I am trying to do, feel free to give me advice.

Informative Links

Places to play
